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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs: Transition of the Framework for Mental Health in Multicultural Australia to a Learning Management System

General Information

What is a Learning Management System?

A Learning Management System (LMS) is a software application designed to manage, deliver, and track educational courses, training programs, or learning and development programs.

What is the purpose of transitioning the framework to a new LMS?

Embrace Multicultural Mental Health (Embrace Project) has transitioned the Framework for Mental Health in Multicultural Australia (Framework) to a LMS to enhance user experience by improving the layout, functionality and access to each of the modules and self-reflection tools.

How will the user’s experience change after the transition?

The user experience is expected to improve following the transition to the new LMS. Users can expect easier navigation and access to Framework resources, and modules.

What are the benefits?

The transition of the Framework to a LMS will offer several benefits:

  1. The LMS will feature a central library to access all the resources needed to support you through the modules, even if you're not logged in to the Framework. It will also improve access and editing of your assessments to better support the self-paced stages of working through the Framework.

  2. The LMS will feature an intuitive and improved design making it easier to work through each module’s set of assessments, significantly enhancing overall user experience.

  3. The LMS will accommodate increasing numbers of users and content without compromising performance, ensuring long-term sustainability.
What does the transition process involve?

The transition process involves transferring existing content and user information from the current framework to the new LMS, aiming to ensure compatibility and minimise disruptions for users.

What is the timeline for the transition?

The transition of the Framework to the new LMS was completed in August 2024, with the system going live on 24 September2024.

Data Migration

How will user account information be migrated?

All personal user information will be securely moved to the new LMS, except for current passwords which are encrypted and cannot be transferred. To access the new LMS you will need to reset your password.

To reset your password in the new LMS, please click here:

If you have forgotten your username, you can retrieve it using the email address associated with your account here:

How will users’ existing Framework assessment content be migrated?

Due to technical differences between how the old system and the new LMS store data, we have been unable to move your assessment content over to the new system.

Your existing assessment content will still be available to you for the next 12 months, via the “Framework Archive” button on the Framework landing page, using your old login/password details.

Once logged in, you can view or download your past assessment responses from and transfer this to the new LMS.

We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

Please note the following as you begin moving your existing Framework’s assessment content:

  • Editing Restrictions: New accounts cannot be created on the old system or through the ‘Framework Archive’. You can still edit assessment content on the old platform; however, we encourage you to do this in the new system to avoid losing any information.

  • We encourage you to download and/or move your previous Framework assessment content to the new LMS account as soon as practical.

Technical Considerations

Will there be any system downtime during the transition?

No, there will be no system downtime during the transition.

How will data integrity and security be ensured?

User accounts will be exported from the existing system ensuring your data cannot be accessed by others. Passwords will not be exported. After the new LMS goes live, you will need to reset your password, further ensuring the security of your information. To reset your password, please follow the link on the landing page.

Will users need training to use the LMS?

The new LMS platform is designed to be user-friendly, requiring minimal training. For guidance, resources on how to use the Framework LMS are available on the Framework landing page.

Post Transition and Additional Resources

Who should be contacted for post-transition support?

Please contact the Embrace Project Team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

How can users provide feedback on the transition process?

Feedback can be sent to the Embrace Project Team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Will there be further transitions or upgrades?

No further transitions are planned. However, we will continue to update and improve the Framework. These improvements are communicated via email as required.

Are there any webinars or training resources available?

Yes, multiple support resources are available, including:
• User guide, available here:
• This FAQs Page
• A "How to Use the LMS" video, available here: [INSERT LINK]

Is there a forum for support?

The forum is currently unavailable in the new LMS but will be available soon. Please stay tuned for the announcement of its launch.


Content: The materials within the Framework, including module introductions, assessment questions and module resources.

Framework assessment content: The responses and information users entered in past assessments, such as action plans.

Users: People or organisations who have registered for the Framework.

User account information: Details related to a user's login and registration, such as their username and password.

FAQs: About the Framework for Mental Health in Multicultural Australia

What is the Framework?

The Framework for Mental Health in Multicultural Australia (the Framework) is a free, nationally available online resource designed to help Australian mental health services, practitioners, Primary Health Networks (PHNs) and others to work effectively in a multicultural context.

The Framework consists of a tailored set of modules and self-reflection tools, which allow organisations and individual practitioners to evaluate and enhance their cultural responsiveness. Users build on their strengths and address areas for improvement in a self-paced way, with free access to a range of support and resources to inform both professional and service development. This new version of the Framework sees the content streamlined into a series of core service modules, with the addition of two self-reflection tools and free access to an entry-level cultural awareness module.

The Framework has been mapped against national standards (particularly the National Standards for Mental Health Services (2010) and the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (second edition, 2017) to help organisations and practitioners meet and report against their existing requirements.

Who is the Framework for?

This Framework is applicable to small and large services and covers all aspects of service delivery, including planning, management, outcomes monitoring and evaluation. The Framework is primarily for managers and workers/clinicians who are seeking to improve the cultural responsiveness of their service delivery. It provides guidance to anyone interested in improving culturally responsive care, including policymakers, consumers and carers, and health and social researchers. While the strategies outlined in this Framework specifically address the needs and issues of people from CALD backgrounds, they are strongly aligned with recovery-oriented practice and will improve mental health care for all Australians.

How is this Framework different to other cultural competency tools?

The Framework is different to other cultural competency tools as it is free to access, created specifically for mental health services, aligned with national standards, and can be completed at your own pace.

How long will it take to complete the Framework?

Depending on the size and complexity of the organisation and availability of information to complete the Framework, we estimate the process will generally take a few hours to complete. You are not required to complete the Framework in one sitting, and can work through the modules at your own pace.

How will the Framework benefit my organisation?

The Framework will assist your organisation to evaluate its current level of cultural responsiveness in service delivery to CALD consumers and carers and track progress over time, resulting in more effective and efficient service delivery for all.

Following the assessment stage of the module, services will be guided in making a plan and develop strategies to improve cultural responsiveness.

There are numerous resources available to view whilst completing the modules which provide inspiration, guidance and assistance in strengthening cultural responsiveness.

How can the results of the Framework be used?

The results obtained through each Service Module will highlight which areas of your organisation should be prioritised for action. The overall score obtained will assist to determine how to progress to the next level of competency.

Why do we need the Framework?

The Framework is designed to turn principles into actions. All key mental health policies and plans contain principles in relation to culturally responsive addiction and mental health care and the need for culturally inclusive practice. What they don’t provide, however, is detailed strategies and indicators to assess whether this has been achieved. The Framework aims to address this gap. Its straightforward approach enables each organisation to work at its own pace, making measurable improvements over time that can be translated into a clear action plan.

How does the Framework relate to quality improvement?

The Framework has been developed to support local safety and quality management processes and practices. Quality management is about continuously improving and making services and organisations more culturally responsive to the changing population demographics in their local catchment areas. It is not a one-off or stand-alone process. Rather it is a steady and continuous approach to implementing quality and safety that will bring meaningful change. The Framework has been developed to support core business processes, rather than as a source of additional work. Improving the cultural responsiveness of mental health services will not only result in safer and better quality services, it will also achieve greater efficiency and savings.

Are the results and information supplied confidential?

The assessment score for each of the four Service Modules, two Self-Reflection Tools and evidence uploaded by you are strictly confidential and can only be accessed by the user and administration. Data will be kept and maintained in a highly confidential manner to ensure confidentiality is not compromised.

What information is accessible by Embrace Multicultural Mental Health (the Embrace Project)?

The Embrace Project will be able to access the demographic data provided upon registration, the total score generated by the completion of the Service Modules and submitted evidence. The Embrace Project will not make this information public and will only use de-identified aggregate data to inform their policy development and implementation.